“I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget the way you made them feel.”

-Maya Angelou

I get the best care at Gardiner Family Chiropractic!


The staff at Gardiner Family Chiropractic always makes me feel comfortable and welcome. Dr. Metcalf is absolutely wonderful!


Gardiner Family Chiropractic is a godsent. I’ve gone from high discomfort to a body that works as it should again! Thank you GFC!


I had inherited back issues along with other members of my family, which required me to seek out chiropractic care. When my back was at its worst, I had difficulty walking, as it was quite painful. Because of the pain I had to move my feet sideways at times instead of forward. When starting chiropractic care, I admit I was a bit nervous. I was put at ease right away coming to Gardiner Family Chiropractic. Everything was explained in terms I easily understood. I was very impressed as to how thorough the doctors were before beginning my care. I was given neck and back exercises which help me move freely without pain. I participate in the wellness plan they have for me, and that is a huge help with my back. If you are considering chiropractic, I simply say, “Go for it!” You will probably find it’s the answer to your current problem. The doctors and staff know what they are doing. They are concerned, caring, and supportive.


When I go to a doctor’s office, I feel that the staff I encounter are just as important as the doctors. It is usually the support staff who initially make you feal at ease and that you’re in the right place. I have to say - the staff at Gardiner Family Chiropractic are some of the best I have ever come upon. They are friendly, organized, and professional and they impressed me from the moment I stepped foot into the office. They are a big part of why I look forward to coming to my appointments.


There were a few reasons that made me want to try chiropractic. I am a potter and leaning over a potter’s wheel for extended periods, over time does wonders for your back as well as arms. I also used a kick wheel for a long time and my hip definitely suffers because of this. I love to run, bicycle, and swim. I was unable to run due to my hip issue and my swimming was suffering because of arm issues. Friends from Pennsylvania recommended I see a chiropractor because they loved theirs and the chiropractors were always able to pinpoint the problem and straighten them out! I was pretty excited to try something that would help me with my hip and arm and curious about how this would all work. I have nothing but positive things to say about my experience at Gardiner Family Chiropractic. I now run, bike, and swim with little discomfort (if I do have discomfort is fixed as soon as I see my wonderful chiropractor.) I am also much more productive in my pottery studio! The care I get has made a huge difference in my life and how active I have become and continue to be. I feel right at home at GFC and I highly recommend them. To anyone considering chiropractic care…try it! It may be just what you need. Stick with it or you will not know if it works for you. Try to follow through with the stretches they give you, they really do work!


I had been having issues with my low back and knee. My doctor and family members suggested that I give chiropractic a try, I was kind of nervous but hopeful. I just wanted to get feeling better. This place is like family. Everyone at Gardiner Family Chiropractic was very nice and made me feel welcome. I quickly overcame my nervousness. Because of chiropractic I’m able to do everything I did before like traveling and being with my grandchildren. I’m more aware of my body and pay more attention to it. I’m also more careful. I would definitely tell someone to give chiropractic a try. I heard a lot about it over the years and am thankful that I tried it.


I came to Gardiner Family Chiropractic years ago because I had hurt my back and was in a lot of pain. I was nervous because I had never seen a chiropractor before but I needed to get some relief from the pain. I would highly recommend that anyone who is in pain try chiropractic. It worked great for me. I’ve had no bad pain since I started getting adjustments and I continue to come in on a monthly basis. Everyone at Gardiner Family Chiropractic is so helpful and nice to patients. I highly recommend seeing them!


I’ve always enjoyed working in my garden, but there were times my back hurt so badly that I had to limit my time gardening. I suffered with pain in both my lower back and hips for years before I decided to find some help. I’ve been a practice member at Gardiner Family Chiropractic for years now and I have my adjustments on a monthly wellness basis. Now I can spend more time working in my garden without being laid up for days afterward.


I have always been a very athletic person. Over the years I noticed certain areas of my body were carrying more stress and discomfort due to my many athletic activities. I had sought chiropractic care in the past, but unfortunately I had fallen out of routine care. It was a basketball injury to my shoulder that made me seek chiropractic care again. After researching several local area offices, I realized that Gardiner Family Chiropractic was the right fit for me. The team here has helped me to relieve several aches and pains with regular care. I highly recommend the team at GFC for overall wellness care.


I will admit that before I started coming to Gardiner Family Chiropractic I thought chiropractic care was just for when you were in a car accident or if you hurt your back. The only reason I began coming to see the doctors here was because my sister told me I had to if I wanted my life to improve. Even my niece and nephew told me I had no choice but to go. I have to say that was one of the best things I was ever made to do! I have had migraines since I was a pre-teen. They’re so bad that when I do get one, I can’t do anything but lay down in a dark room. Migraines were taking away my ability to have a full and happy life. Now that I am adjusted regularly, my headaches are few and far between. My life is happier and I can admit that my sister was right…no matter how hard it hurts to do so. Gardiner Family Chiropractic has allowed me to become a healthier and happier person!
